The FTC sent letters to the major U.S. broadband providers asking for information on exactly what customer data they collect and how they handle it.
Absent any move on the federal level for a consumer data privacy law, states have passed their own laws. Utah is about to have a law that would require government to have a warrant to get any consumer data stored by third-party providers.
In iOS 12.2 Apple has patched many serious flaws, including an SMS bug that allows code execution with one click.
Hardware security researcher Joe FitzPatrick explains how non-experts should assess claims of hardware implants and backdoors.
Dennis Fisher speaks with hardware security researcher Joe FitzPatrick about finding and verifying hardware implants.
The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned in an advisory that cardio defibrillators from medical device company Medtronic can be modified while still implanted in patients. Without access control, the defibs can't differentiate between authorized and unauthorized instructions.
Joe FitzPatrick, one of the small number of hardware security experts, says security teams and operators need to ask hard questions when they see claims of malicious hardware implants.
Security researchers and enterprise defenders have many Internet-wide scanning tools at their disposal. Researchers at Cisco Talos have developed a way to scan for hosts with IPv6 addresses using the UPnP protocol.
Researchers are developing a framework to analyze and describe misinformation campaigns, similar to the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
From an attacker’s perspective, the wider the net cast, the more number of potential victims caught. So it’s no surprise that Recorded Future research indicates attackers continue to rely heavily on exploits targeting Microsoft applications.
Google's Android Q will include a handful of changes to the way that the OS deals with location privacy and other app permissions.
Ocean's Eleven has one of the great ensemble casts of all time, an air-tight script, and an audacious heist at its heart.
Slack Enterprise Key Management tool will let organizations with strict data protection requirements use their own encryption keys in their Slack workspace.
Bills introduced in the House and Senate this week would require vendors selling IoT devices to the government to adhere to strict security guidelines.
Ron Wyden and Tom Cotton are asking the Senate Sergeant at Arms for numbers on cyber attacks on Senate computers.