Security news that informs and inspires


259 results for tag Podcast:

Decipher Podcast: Zoe Lindsey

Dennis Fisher talks with Zoe Lindsey, one of the early Duo Security employees, about her entrance into hacker culture, finding her way in the tech world, and the importance of lifelong learning.


Decipher Podcast: Jonathan Mayer

Jonathan Mayer, assistant professor of computer science at Princeton University, joins Dennis Fisher to discuss the technical and legal challenges of Apple's announced CSAM scanning system.


Decipher Podcast: Jules Okafor

Jules Okafor, CEO of RevolutionCyber, joins Dennis Fisher to talk about her unconventional career arc, the importance of empathy in leadership and communications, and why conventional security awareness programs don't work.


Decipher Podcast: Mark Werremeyer and Bryce Kerley on Hack-a-Sat

Mark Werremeyer and Bryce Kerley join Dennis Fisher to talk about the Hack-a-Sat CTF competition at DEF CON and the need for collaboration between aerospace engineers and cybersecurity professionals.

Podcast, Defcon

Decipher Podcast: Derek Manky

Lindsey O'Donnell-Welch talks to Derek Manky of Fortinet about the breakdown of barriers between private firms and public sector agencies, law enforcement and the security industry.
