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208 results for tag Ransomware:

Stop the Pwnage: 81% of Hacking Incidents Used Stolen or Weak Passwords

According to the 10th edition of the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 81 percent of hacking-related breaches leveraged stolen and/or weak passwords. Other trends include a jump in phishing, web application and ransomware attacks.

Verizon DBIR 2017, Phishing, Ransomware, Web App Security, Web App Attacks, Rig Exploit Kit, Flash Vulnerabilities, Security Hygiene

Why the MongoDB Ransomware Shouldn’t Surprise Anyone

Recent reports have discovered MongoDB instances being targeted with ransomware, with over 28,000 unique cases of ransomware from multiple actors targeting MongoDB hosts. Learn about exposed instances and get some helpful tips and resources on securing a MongoDB deployment.

Mongodb, Ransomware

Over 18,000 Redis Instances Targeted by Fake Ransomware

Duo Labs set out to measure how many Redis instances were exposed to the Internet and potentially vulnerable to attacks. Here is a brief summary of our findings.
