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93 results for tag Vulnerability:

eGobbler Malvertising Campaign Targets Safari, Chrome Users

eGobbler Malvertising Campaign Targets Safari, Chrome Users

Browser Security, Vulnerability, Malvertising

GitHub Beefs Up Code Scanning With Semmle

Keeping software secure isn't just the developer's job. GitHub is strengthening its ecosystem with tools for developers, researchers, and project maintainers to identify and fix software vulnerabilities.

Application Security, Open Source, Vulnerability

Exim Bug Allows Root Privileges

A flaw in the Exim MTA software can be exploited remotely to gain root privileges.


Enterprises May Not Know Which Devices Have URGENT/11 Flaws

VxWorks is the operating system no one has ever heard of, but it is widely used in industrial control systems, robotics and automation, industrial control systems, and Internet of Things. The URGENT/11 group of vulnerabilities in these devices can be exploited remotely.

Vulnerability, Internet of Things, Patching, Critical Infrastructure Security

Being on the Latest Windows Version Can Thwart Zero Days

Zero day vulnerabilities exploited in the wild is never good news, but if the user's machine is running the latest version of the operating system, the chances are good that the attack won't be successful against that machine, according to a Microsoft security engineer.

Microsoft, Vulnerability, Windows, Software Security